8.5 Step 3: Iterate and Compare Models
When building predictive models, often researchers want to minimize this Root-Mean Squared Error – minimizing the magnitude of the typical prediction error (the distance between the actual value of our outcome, and the true value)
Example: Let’s compare the RMSE from two different models:
## Predicting Runs Scored with OBP
<- lm(RS ~ OBP, data = baseball)
fit sigma(fit)
## [1] 39.82189
## Predicting Runs Scored with Batting Average
<- lm(RS ~ BA, data = baseball)
fit2 sigma(fit2)
## [1] 51.48172
The Oakland A’s noticed that OBP was a more precise predictor than BA, and RMSE gives us one way to assess this.
8.5.1 Regression with Multiple Predictors
You can also add more than 1 predictor to a regression using the +
## Predicting Runs Scored with OBP and Slugging Percentage
<- lm(RS ~ OBP + SLG, data = baseball)
fit3 sigma(fit3)
## [1] 25.12196
Look how the RMSE dropped again, improving our prediction.