2.3 Functions to summarize univariate data

For univariate data, often we are interested in describing the range of the values and their central tendency.

  • range: the minimum (min()) and maximum (max()) values
  • mean: the average value (mean())

The average is the sum of the values divided by the number of values:

\(\bar{X} = \frac{\text{sum of values}}{\text{number of values}} = \frac{x_1 + x_2 + ... + x_N}{N}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{i=N} x_i\)

Let’s do this in R for our set of 10 values

(0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 1)/10
## [1] 0.4

The average outcome is .4. Note: when a variable contains only 0’s and 1’s its mean is the proportion of 1’s. 40% of people think the economy is doing well.

2.3.1 Using functions in R (overview)

A function is an action(s) that you request R to perform on an object or set of objects. For example, we will use the mean() function to ask R to take the mean or “average” of a vector.

  • Inside the function you place inputs or “arguments.”
## [1] 0.4

R also has functions that take the sum sum() of a vector of values.

sumofvalues <- sum(Outcome)

And that count the total number of values or “length” length() of the vector.

numberofvalues <- length(Outcome)

Note that the below is also equivalent to the mean

sumofvalues / numberofvalues
## [1] 0.4

Returning to our example, we found that 40% of people surveyed thought the economy was doing well. Surveying people about their opinions on how the country doing is a common way that social scientists use description. We could extend this exercise in many ways going forward, even with the same question.

  • Start with a question: How is the economy doing?
  • Let’s find a measure: Ask people if the economy is doing well.
  • Find data points: Multiple people (we could stop there with the average!), or add more variables:
    • Across time: Survey people across multiple years
    • Across type of people: Survey different partisan groups

These types of survey trends are often used by news organizations and public opinion organizations like, Gallup.

This was just a first example of description in political science. There are many other ways to describe how the economy is doing and many other topics we might want to describe in politics.