5.4 Placebo Tests
Which Results Should We Believe? Role of Placebo Tests
Cross-section comparison
## were there pre-existing differences between the groups?
mean(basqueBefore$gdpcap) - mean(othersBefore$gdpcap)
## [1] 1.616077
Before-and-After design
## was there a change in a group we don't think should have changed?
mean(othersAfter$gdpcap) - mean(othersBefore$gdpcap)
## [1] 3.161306
What about the Difference-in-Differences design?
## here we go back in time even further to examine "pre-treatment" trends
## we want them to be similar
$gdpcap[basqueBefore$year == 1972] -
(basqueBefore$gdpcap[basqueBefore$year == 1955]) -
basqueBeforemean(othersBefore$gdpcap[othersBefore$year == 1972]) -
(mean(othersBefore$gdpcap[othersBefore$year == 1955]))
## [1] 0.07147071
These “placebo” checks are closest to zero for diff-in-diff, so we may believe that the most.
Thanks to Will Lowe and QSS for providing the foundations for this example