3  Causation with Experiments

Recall that we said, four primary goals of social science include:

In this section, we start to explore the goal of explanation–making causal claims.

3.1 What separates causation from correlation?

Here’s an example. In 2016, researchers at the NY Times noticed that areas in the country where the television show Duck Dynasty was popular also tended to support Donald Trump at higher rates.

If we put our social scientist hat on, we might want to distinguish whether this is a causal or, more likely, just a correlational relationship:

  • Correlation: Areas that watch Duck Dynasty are more likely to support Trump (degree to which two variables “move together”)
  • Causality: Watching Duck Dynasty (vs. not watching) increases your support of Trump.

Causal Question: Does the manipulation of one factor (the treatment), (holding everything else constant), cause a change in an outcome?

3.1.1 Potential Outcomes Framework

When studying causal relationships, we distinguish two concepts:

  • treatment: variable whose change may produce a change in the outcome (e.g., watching vs. not watching Duck Dynasty)
  • outcome (\(Y\)): what may change as a result (e.g., their support for Trump)

We imagine two states of the world or “potential outcomes.”

  • \(Y(1)\): the outcome if the treatment is administered (e.g., watching the show)
  • \(Y(0)\): the outcome if the treatment is NOT administered or maybe something else is (e.g., not watching the show)

Political Science Example: How does voter turnout (\(Y\)) change as a result of varying whether someone receives a mail-in ballot (the treatment)?

  • \(Y(\text{sent a mail-in ballot})\): do you vote or not
  • \(Y(\text{not sent a mail-in ballot})\): do you vote or not

We compare your likelihood of turning out to vote in a world where you did receive a mail-in ballot vs. a counterfactual state of the world in which you did not receive a mail-in ballot, generally assuming that this is the only thing that is different between these two potential states of the world.

In many cases in social science, we might start by observing some connection in the real world. To make a causal claim, we then have to imagine what that counterfactual state of the world would be. Examples:

Causal Question: Does the minimum wage increase the unemployment rate?

  • (Hypothetical) Factual: An unemployment rate went up after the minimum wage increased
  • Implied Counterfactual: Would the unemployment rate have gone up, had the minimum wage increase not occurred?

Causal Question: Does the gender of a political messenger influence the persuasiveness of the message?

  • (Hypothetical) Factual: Suppose a political messenger perceived as a man had a somewhat persuasive effect delivering a message on abortion.
  • Implied Counterfactual: Would a political messenger perceived as a woman have a similar or different persuasive effect?

We use causal logic all of the time outside of social science.

For example, many viewers get angry after watching the movie Titanic because they believe Jack did not have to die. We can place their claims in our causal framework:

  • Outcome: Jack Surviving the Titanic
  • Potential Outcomes in two states of the world
    • Rose did not share the floating door, and Jack died.
    • Counterfactual question: If Rose had shared the floating door, would Jack have lived?

In Bit by Bit, Matt Salganik notes that sometimes cause-and-effect questions are implicit. For example, in more general questions about maximization of some performance metric, we might want to compare several alternatives:

The question “What color should the donate button be on an NGO’s website?” is really lots of questions about the effect of different button colors on donations.

  • Factual: A voter donates some amount with a black button
  • Counterfactual: What would a voter donate if the button were blue?
  • Counterfactual: What would a voter donate if the button were red?

What other causal questions might social scientists or data scientists ask?

3.1.2 Causal Effects

When we are conducting a causal analysis, we will want to estimate a causal effect.

  • Causal effects are all about ideal comparisons between treated vs. untreated

A causal effect is the change in the outcome Y that is caused by a change in the treatment variable.

  • \(Y(1) - Y(0)\) = causal effect or “treatment effect”
  • e.g., Donation if contacted - Donation if not contacted

We often want to know the average treatment effect in some population, not just the causal effect for a single individual. Here, we might ask, on average, how much would our outcome change if our units were treated instead of untreated. To do so, we simply sum up all of the causal effects and divide them by the number of units in our population.

  • \(\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N (Y_i (1)-Y_i (0))\) = “average treatment effect” (ATE)
    • e.g., Average donations if contacted - Average donations if not contacted

Note: If the math above is helpful, you can use it. If it is difficult to read, focus on the plain language definitions that go before it. The notation here is less important than the conceptual understanding.

3.1.3 Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference

The problem: Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference

What makes the evaluation of causal claims difficult, is that in the real world, we suffer from the fundamental problem of causal inference:

  • For any individual, we only get to see (observe) the result from one state of the world
    • This makes that subtraction of potential outcomes impossible.

(Unless we are in Groundhog Day

3.2 Randomized Controlled Trials

One approach for addressing the fundamental problem of causal inference is to simulate two potential states of the world through random assignment: Randomized Controlled Trials / Experiments

Experiments approximate an ideal factual vs. counterfactual comparison

  • We randomly assign one group to receive a “treatment” and another not to receive a treatment (the control)
    • There can be more than two groups. The key is that each group varies (is manipulated) in some way.
  • When treatment assignment is randomized, the only thing that distinguishes the treatment group from the control group, besides the treatment itself, is chance.

Salganik Bit by Bit Chapter 4.4

This allows us to compare the average outcomes between groups in order to estimate our causal effects (more on this below).

3.2.1 Experiments: Why Randomize?

Randomization is essential for being able to identify and isolate the causal effect of the treatment on the outcome.

Without randomization, there may be several reasons why two groups differ beyond the treatment of interest.

  • For example, if we randomly assigned half of Rutgers seniors to watch the movie Oppenheimer and half to watch Barbie we would expect the groups to have about equal proportions of female students, average age, racial composition, majors, etc.
    • (If we didn’t randomly assign, and just let people “select” into watching a particular movie, the groups could look very different.)

But because we randomized assignment, on average, we’d expect the two groups to be identical except for the treatment– in this case, which movie they watched.

  • Great news! This means any differences in the outcomes between the two groups can be attributed to the treatment. So if we wanted to see if Top Gun Maverick leads people to take up flying lessons, we could compare the average number of flying lessons among seniors who watched Top Gun Maverick compared to those who didn’t, and instead watched a different movie.

3.2.2 Experiments: How to Analyze

Difference in Means: We compare each group’s average outcome by subtracting one from the other to estimate the average treatment effect (ATE) aka the average causal effect of the treatment.

  • \(\widehat{ATE} = \bar{Y}(treatment) - \bar{Y}(control)\)

This is an estimate of, on average, how much our outcome would change if units went from being untreated to treated.

  • E.g., on average how much a person donates to a campaign if contacted by phone compared to if not contacted by phone.

3.2.3 Ingredients of an Experiment

From Bit by Bit

For every experiment, you should be able to

  • State the causal question or relationship of interest
  • Describe how the experiment will be implemented (e.g., recruitment of subjects)
  • Identify and describe the randomization into treatment group(s) and control group and what happens in each group
  • Identify the outcome of interest, how it is measured
  • Evaluate the relevant comparison (between two different experimental conditions)

We will turn to an example in the next section.

3.3 Application: Is there racial discrimination in the labor market?

Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil Mullainathan. 2004. “Are Emily and Greg more employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A field experiment on labor market discrimination.”

“We perform a field experiment to measure racial discrimination in the labor market. We respond with fictitious resumes to help-wanted ads in Boston and Chicago newspapers.”

  • Recruitment: Construct resumes to send to ads
  • Randomization: To manipulate perception of race, each resume is (randomly) assigned
  • Treatment: either a very African American sounding name
  • Control: or a very White sounding name
  • Outcome: Does the resume receive a callback?
  • Comparison: Callback rates for African American (sounding) names vs. White (sounding) names (the difference in means between groups)

For a video explainer of the code in this section, see below. The video only discusses the code. Use the notes and lecture discussion for additional context. (Via youtube, you can speed up the playback to 1.5 or 2x speed.)

Let’s load the data. Note: When we have variables that are text-based categories, we may want to tell R to treat these “strings” of text information as factor variables, a particular type of variable that represents data as a set of nominal (unordered) or ordinal (ordered) categories. We do this with the stringsAsFactors argument.

resume <- read.csv("resume.csv", stringsAsFactors = T)
resume <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ktmccabe/teachingdata/main/resume.csv",
                   stringsAsFactors = T)

Variables and Description

  • firstname: first name of the fictitious job applicant
  • sex: sex of applicant (female or male)
  • race: race of applicant (black or white)
  • call: whether a callback was made (1 = yes, 0 = no)

The data contain 4870 resumes and 4 variables.

nrow(resume) # number of rows
[1] 4870
ncol(resume) # number of columns
[1] 4
dim(resume) # number of rows and columns
[1] 4870    4

Note: These data look a little different from what we used last week. For example, the sex and race variables contain words, not numbers.

  firstname    sex  race call
1   Allison female white    0
2   Kristen female white    0
3   Lakisha female black    0
4   Latonya female black    0
5    Carrie female white    0
6       Jay   male white    0

3.3.1 Variable classes

We can check the class of each variable: Look, we have a new type, a “factor” variable.

[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"
[1] "factor"
[1] "integer"

We have now encountered numeric, character, and factor vectors and/or variables in R. Note: This is simply how R understands them. Sometimes R can get it wrong. For example, if we write:

somenumbers <- c("1", "3", "4")
[1] "character"

Because we put our numbers in quotation marks, R thinks the values in somenumbers are text. The number “3” might as well be the word “blue” for all R knows. Fortunately, we can easily switch between classes.

somenumbers <- as.numeric(somenumbers)
[1] "numeric"

Here, we used as.numeric() to overwrite and change the character vector into a numeric vector.

Rules of Thumb

  • Usually, we want character variables to store text (e.g., open-ended survey responses)
  • We want numeric variables to store numbers.
  • Usually, we want factor variables to store categories.
    • Within R, factor variables assign a number to each category, which is given a label or level in the form of text.
    • Categories might be ordinal or “ordered” (e.g., Very likely, Somewhat likely, Not likely) or
    • Unordered (e.g., “male”, “female”)
    • R won’t know if a factor variable is ordered or unordered. Alas, we have to be smarter than R.
    • R might think you have a character variable when you want it to be a factor or the reverse.
      • That’s when as.factor() and as.character() are useful.
  • Always check class() to find out the variable type

3.4 Making tables

A nice thing about numeric and factor variables is we can use the table command to see how many observations in our data fall into each category or numerical value.

## Example: how many black vs. white sounding resumes

black white 
 2435  2435 

As mentioned, factor variables have levels:

[1] "black" "white"

3.4.1 Crosstabulation

We can also use the table command to show a crosstabulation: a table that displays the frequency of observations across two variables.

## Example: how many black vs. white sounding resumes by call backs
## We can label the two dimensions of the table with the =
table(calledback = resume$call, race = resume$race)
calledback black white
         0  2278  2200
         1   157   235

3.5 Conditional Means

Recall how to take a mean of a variable in our data. For example, let’s take the mean of the variable call.

[1] 0.08049281

This gives us the average callbacks (or callback rate) for everyone in our data. In experiments, we want to take the mean for a specific group within our data– the treatment group, and then the mean for the control group.

Somehow, we have to identify, within our data, which rows were part of the treatment group and which were a part of the control group. In this study, we want to identify resumes with an assigned name perceived to be black vs. perceived to be white. This is in our race variable.

We will cover a couple of tools to do this, with the first being tapply.

To find how the average of one variable (e.g., our outcome- the callback rate) varies across different categories of our factor variable, we use tapply().

## take the mean of input1 by categories of input2
## mean of the call variable conducted separately by race
tapply(resume$call, INDEX=resume$race, mean)
     black      white 
0.06447639 0.09650924 

This tells us the callback rate for each group of people in our data. That’s not the only way to do this, however. We can also use the tools below.

3.6 Relational Operators in R

Goal: Compare callback rates for white sounding names to black sounding names, so we need to be able to filter by race.

Good news: We have several relational operators in R that evaluate logical statements:

  • ==, <, >, <=, >=, !=
  • We have a statement and R evaluates it as TRUE or FALSE
## for each observation, does the value of race equal "black"?
resume$race == "black"

By putting this logical statement within [ ], we are asking R to take the mean() of the variable resume$call for the subset of observations for which this logical statement is TRUE.

mean(resume$call[resume$race == "black"])
[1] 0.06447639

Ultimately, each of these paths has led us to a place where we can estimate the average treatment effect by calculation the difference in means: the difference in callback rates for black and white applicants.

We said the ATE = \(\bar{Y}(treatment) - \bar{Y}(control)\)

ate <- mean(resume$call[resume$race == "black"]) - 
  mean(resume$call[resume$race == "white"])
[1] -0.03203285

How can we interpret this? Do white applicants have an advantage?

3.7 Subsetting data in R

Subsetting Dataframes in R

Maybe we are interested in differences in callbacks for females. One approach for looking at the treatment effect for female applicants, only, is to subset our data to include only female names.

  • To do this, we will assign a new data.frame object that keeps only those rows where sex == "female" and retains all columns
  • Below are two approaches for this subsetting, one that uses brackets and one that uses the subset function
## option one
females <- resume[resume$sex == "female", ]
## option two using subset()- preferred
females <- subset(resume, sex == "female")

Now that we have subset the data, this simplifies estimating the ATE for female applicants only.

We said the ATE = \(\bar{Y}(treatment) - \bar{Y}(control)\)

ate.females <- mean(females$call[females$race == "black"]) -
  mean(females$call[females$race == "white"])
[1] -0.03264689

3.7.1 Getting Booooooooolean

We can make this slightly more complex by adding more criteria. Let’s say we wanted to know the callback rates for just female black (sounding) names.

  • R allows use to use & (and) and | (or)
femaleblack <- subset(resume, sex == "female" & race == "black")

We could now find the callback rate for Black females using the tools from above:

[1] 0.06627784

3.8 Creating New Variables using Conditional statements

We can instead create a new variable in our main dataframe. Let’s make a variable that takes the value 1 if a name is female and black sounding and 0, otherwise

# Initialize a new variable called femaleblackname
resume$femaleblackname <- NA
# Assign a 1 to our new variable where sex is female and race is black
resume$femaleblackname[resume$sex == "female" & resume$race == "black"] <- 1
# Assign a 0 if sex is not female OR if race is not black
resume$femaleblackname[resume$sex != "female" | resume$race != "black"] <- 0

We can check our work

table(name = resume$firstname, femaleblack = resume$femaleblackname)
name         0   1
  Aisha      0 180
  Allison  232   0
  Anne     242   0
  Brad      63   0
  Brendan   65   0
  Brett     59   0
  Carrie   168   0
  Darnell   42   0
  Ebony      0 208
  Emily    227   0
  Geoffrey  59   0
  Greg      51   0
  Hakim     55   0
  Jamal     61   0
  Jay       67   0
  Jermaine  52   0
  Jill     203   0
  Kareem    64   0
  Keisha     0 183
  Kenya      0 196
  Kristen  213   0
  Lakisha    0 200
  Latonya    0 230
  Latoya     0 226
  Laurie   195   0
  Leroy     64   0
  Matthew   67   0
  Meredith 187   0
  Neil      76   0
  Rasheed   67   0
  Sarah    193   0
  Tamika     0 256
  Tanisha    0 207
  Todd      68   0
  Tremayne  69   0
  Tyrone    75   0

Let’s say we wanted to know the callback rates for just female black (sounding) names.

[1] 0.06627784
mean(resume$call[resume$femaleblackname == 1])
[1] 0.06627784

BINGO: two ways to do the same thing.

3.8.1 ifelse statements

Remember how we created the variable femaleblack, well there is another way to do that in R using what are called conditional statements with ifelse().

  • Can be read: If this relational statement is TRUE, I assign you A, otherwise I assign you B
resume$femaleblackname <- ifelse(resume$sex == "female" &
                                   resume$race == "black", 1, 0)

Can be read: If sex is female and race is black, give the observation in the new variable a 1, otherwise give it a 0.

Like most things, we can also get more complicated here. Let’s say we wanted to create a variable that indicated both race and sex.

  • Can be read: If this relational statement is TRUE, I assign you A,
  • Otherwise if this second relational statement is TRUE, I assign you B,
  • Otherwise if this third relational statement is TRUE, I assign you C,
  • Otherwise I assign you D
resume$racesex <- ifelse(resume$sex == "female" &
                                   resume$race == "black", "FemaleBlack", 
                         ifelse(resume$sex == "female" &
                                   resume$race == "white", "FemaleWhite",
                                ifelse(resume$sex == "male" &
                                   resume$race == "white", "MaleWhite", "MaleBlack")))

Note: what you assign can be numeric or text.

3.9 Types of Experiments

Experiments can vary:

  • Setting: Lab, Survey, Field
  • Mode: Analog vs. Digital
  • And in Validity
    • Internal: were the processes conducted in a correct, reliable way?
    • External: can we generalize from the experiment to the real world, or would the results change?
    • Context: Would people act the same way outside of the experiment?
    • Recruitment: Are the people in our experiment representative of the people we care about?
    • Construct
      • Treatment: Is the experimental treatment similar to what people see in the real world?
      • Outcome: Is the outcome something we care about in the real world? Are we measuring it in a realistic, accurate way?

Review Bit by Bit chapter 4 for more examples of social science experiments.

Example: Televised Incivility, Trust and Emotions (Mutz and Reeves)

Participants sat alone in a room with electrodes attached to their hands to measure skin conductance. Subjects viewed 20 minutes of a political debate created for the experiment, which varied in civility and politeness. Results showed respondents had more of an emotional response to the uncivil condition and expressed less trust in politicians.

Example: Online Survey Experiment

Audience Costs (Tomz)

A country sent its military to take over a neighboring country. The attacking country was led by a [dictator, who invaded OR democratically elected government, which invaded] [to get more power and resources OR because of a longstanding historical feud.

The attacking country had a [strong military, so it would OR weak military, so it would not] have taken a major effort for the United States to help push them out.

A victory by the attacking country would [hurt OR not affect] the safety and economy of the United States.

  • Participants provided a different version of the vignette above, and a reaction by the president
  • Presidential approval varies depending on the president’s response and the nature of the situation

Example: Digital Field Experiments in Campaigns

Example: A/B Testing in Campaigns

Emails are virtually costless. Very easy to ask: Are people more likely to open them with X subject or Y subject or Z subject?

3.10 Wrapping Up Causation with Experiments

In this section, we have discussed what it means to make a causal claim, why it is essentially impossible to make causal comparisons in real life due to the fundamental problem of causal inferences, and how experiments can help us make comparisons that approximate our causal ideals.

In the next section, we start to examine how to visualize data.

3.10.1 Summary of R tools in this section

Here are some of the R tools we used in this section:

  • table(): this function summarizes the frequency of observations that take a particular value. The input is one or more variables in your data.
    • E.g., table(resume$sex) or table(resume$sex, resume$call)
  • tapply(): this function applies a given operation like mean to whichever variable is in the first position, separately or “conditionally” by different values of the variable in the second “index” position.
    • E.g., tapply(resume$call, INDEX=resume$race, mean) finds the average callbacks for applicants separately for different races of applicants in the data.
  • == > < >= <= !=: Relational operators help us set up “logical statements” in R that are evaluated as TRUE or FALSE
    • E.g., resume$race == "black" evaluates whether for each observation in the race column is “black” in which case the statement is TRUE or not black, in which case the statement is FALSE
    • E.g., resume$call < 1 evaluates whether for each observation in the call column has a value less than one in which case the statement is TRUE or not less than 1, in which case the statement is FALSE
    • We can then isolate certain parts of columns using relational operators and the brackets []. For example we can take the mean callbacks for applicants who are black using mean(resume$call[resume$race == "black"])
  • & and |: These are boolean operators that allow us to combine multiple relational operators using an AND statement (&) or an OR statement |. Note the bar is a bar that is usually above your backslash key and not a capitalized i.
    • E.g., mean(resume$call[resume$race == "black" & resume$sex == "female"])
  • subset(): We can subset whole rows of our data using this function. It takes two inputs– the first is the name of the original dataframe, and the second is a relational statement. Usually we store this output in R by assigning the results to a new object, a dataframe that contains only those rows for which the logical statement using the relational operators is true. E.g., females <- subset(resume, sex == "female") subsets our data to keep only those rows where applicants were female.